28–29 August – Memory of a body, memory the voice – Alena DITTRICHOVÁ and Ridina AHMEDOVÁ (CZ)

MEMORY OF A BODY, MEMORY OF THE VOICE with Alena Dittrichová ( motion) and Ridina Ahmedova (work with voice)

Saturday 28th and Sunday 29th August

The human body has its own world, memory and recollections.. It is a hidden countryside which can tell us stories if we allow ourselves to hear them. We do not have to be scared, all we have to do is listen and our body will show us the right way. In this workshop the whirlpool of our fantasy will take us aboard the same ship where we will dance, sing and play together.

If our body is relaxed, our voice can be free. If our body is in tension, our voice is locked inside. We are going to explore how our body can exist, dance and be firm while remaining rooted, flexible and relaxed.

In today´s society the ability to sing is considered to be an innate talent. Due to this fact, most people limit themselves to singing only in the bathroom, in the car while driving alone or while playing with their little children.

However, the body has always been connected to breath, motion and singing.

Work with motion and voice is a relaxing and enriching experience and together with relaxation brings healing to the mind. Developing intuition and joyful courage means giving and receiving.

Gradually moving into silence, listening to our own voice and perceiving our body we will get to physical and energetic exercises encouraging correct breathing, the free flow of the voice, good body posture and consciousness of our inner energy. An important part of the workshop is vocal and motion improvizations often inspired by children´s games.

Work with voice and body intertwine and will show us the way to our forgotten energies. The participants will experience the seamless union of singing and moving surprisingly naturally.

Get more information about our lecturers and samples of music here: Alena Dittrichová , Ridina Ahmedova.


The workshop will be held in Spirituála, Údolní 212, Praha 4 - Braník, see www.spirituala.cz. The price is 1750,- /1650,- for students, retired people and people on parental leave. Get the application form for this workshop HERE.