11 September – Voice, body and music therapy – Markéta GERLICHOVÁ (CZ)


lectured by Markéta Gerlichová (CZ)

Saturday 11 September 2010

Our body is a perfect musical instrument and as far as we know how to make it sound, relaxed and flexible, we can produce an excellent voice and relaxing and healing feelings which create our body comfort.

Music therapy as one of the art therapies influences a human as a whole/holistically. It uses music, silence, rhythm, sounds, tone and singing often in connection with motion or art work. As a healing method it includes creating music or participating in it, but also listening to it, perceiving in or other creative work with it. Music therapy uses both verbal and non-verbal tools. We can verbalize through singing, rhythm of words, screams or whispers. Non-verbally we work with music, rhythm and sounds. Various parts of our body resonate consequently with different sounds and tones. Thanks to the tones we can work on relieving the tension in different parts of our body or on the contrary - stimulate them. Singing and work with breath greatly influences other physical and mental processes. Music can relax you, irritate or stimulate your energy. Last but not least, music, rhythm and sounds are means of communication and the expression of our inside world.

Workshop „Voice, body and music therapy" will concentrate on perceiving the voice and breath in connection with exercizing and body relaxation. It aims at both singers and non-singers who like to play, improve themselves regardless the result and the skills with enjoyment from the experience and development. The workshop will be an occasion to become conscious of ourselves which is directly connected to the experience of our own voice production. The participants will try exercises to relax the body and deepen the breath, they will try out some other physiotherapeutic and psychosomatic approaches to improve their voice. Getting to know ourselves through hearing will precede the vocal exercises. The important thing is to present your own self in voice, learn how to deal with your voice, cultivate it and accept it with enjoyment as it is. Anybody can learn to sing supposing they get rid of their worries and blocks, learn to hear and work with the voice. Singing is a great source of energy, the way to deepen the breath and apart from others also the way how to enjoy yourself.

At the beginning we will warm up our bodies and encourage ourselves with help of various therapeutical musical instruments. We will continue with physiotherapeutic exercises to prepare ourselves for work with our voice. Then we will develop sensitivity to our own performance and sensible communication with the others. The practice will improve individual and partnership performance also in group interaction. At the end of our workshop we will try various relaxation techniques connected with the body, breath and voice.

More information about the lecturer HERE.

You can download the application form HERE.
The workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. with a lunch break, in Communication Centre, Školská 28, Prague 1. See www.skolska28.cz.
The price is 850,- CZK /790,- CZK for students, retired people and people on parental leave.